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Bespoke Online Driver Training Modules

UKGRS are pleased to announce that the first of many, totally customised training modules for one of our multi-national clients was launched this week.

This multi-national pharmaceutical company approached UKGRS for a module to address their specific issues in France regarding hitting a 3rd party in the rear. Working closely together on content and translations we developed the training module for their drivers in Lyon, which will shortly rollout to their drivers in Paris and Reims.

To follow this initial module are customised modules relating to Motorcycle Riders, Awareness for Pedal Cyclists and Awareness of Heavy Goods Vehicles.

The platform used by UKGRS allows a huge range of customisations from module style with, text, video’s, and questions available for a mix and match approach, along with translations into local languages, clients’ logos, unlimited divisional structure, customisable emails, reminder emails and a comprehensive reporting system to support analysis.

Within the system drivers can upload their vehicle details, copies of insurance and MOT certificates (where applicable) and driving licence copies. Clients can request their driver complete the in-system vehicle report, which is emailed to their line manager and there is also a document depository in which the client can give their drivers access to key documentation.

For further details on working with UKGRS to create your own bespoke driver education programme with, if desired, automatically assigned customised training modules please contact Jane Sneddon on 01452 347332.

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